Season Extension Week 4; November 2, 2017


What's in the box?  

Black Futsu Squash
Delicata Squash
Brussel tops

Notes on the box.

Brussel Tops are nice and can be used in place of kale or collards in any recipe or added to soup.  
The Spinach has been frozen which makes it taste extra sweet and yummy.  Enjoy!  
The skin of both the Black Futsu Squash and the Delicata Squash are both thin and edible.  Both are wonderful stuffed or cut into half moons and roasted.  
We are happy that the Romanesco made it into the boxes!  Romanesco is related to cauliflower.  Our favorite way to cook it is to cut into florets and roast.  Add little lemon juice or zest, some garlic, and some nuts make a beautiful side dish.  

Cosmic Wheel Creamery Cheese Shares.

Two nice aged cheeses!  a year old Moonglow and 6 months Circle of the Sun.  Two of my favorite cheeses to wrap up the season.  Hope you have enjoyed the cheese!  If you need more before CSA deliveries next spring, you can find us at the Mill City Winter Markets and the Neighborhood Roots Markets at Bachmans.  Check our Instagram for updates on when and where you can find us at farmers markets.  


Roasted Beet, Spinach, and Toasted Quinoa Salad

Pastawith Roasted Romanesco and Capers

Roasted Black Futsu with Jasmine Rice and Kale

On the Farm. 

That's it, with a very dramatic finish! As we packed the last of the boxes snow began to fly. Coldest Halloween in 12 years. Garlic is planted, fields are bare.
dWe are can start the process of fixing what broke, catch up on office work, and clean the house for the first time in 8 months. j/k, kind of.  

We are so grateful for our incredible crew that made this season possible.  Our full time crew and the part time folks that showed up right when we needed them.  The season finishes out with the help of Caroline, Andrew, and Liberty.  We had so much fun working with them all.  So much intelligence, humor, and incredible work in all types of weather!  We also appreciate how supportive in every other way our crew has been.  Flexible, helping us look at the big picture, and just making the day to day really enjoyable.    Our full time full season workers really make everything possible...  Andrew's intelligence and rebel soul made for some really fun days of work.  Sometimes how enjoyable the work is really depends on the company of your coworkers is.  Andrew made all the days easy and enjoyable.  Thank you Andrew!  Liberty is moving away to be with their partner and we are so happy for them!  Liberty has been an incredible livestock manager for the last 2 years.  Super knowledgeable and quick to learn from the animals.  Able to keep a cool head when inevitable stressful situations come up.  Never complaining and never deterred or showing the slightest bit of apprehension even when doing the jobs that are very tough and often involve getting into some dirty and stinky situations.  We know the cows will miss their steadiness, warmth, and sweetness as much as we will.  It's not easy to say goodbye and have people move on to new places.  We are having some big feelings as we wrap up the season.  But the most prominent feeling is GRATITUDE.  

We cannot do what we do without our CSA members believing in relocalizing the food system, knowing their farmers, caring about the environment, caring about community, and loving cooking and food!  We know it takes a lot of effort to be a CSA member.  We are SO GRATEFUL for all of you!! Thanks for your support for the 2017 season. We will be in touch in January about sign up for 2018!

Eat like a Farmer members, we still have two more meat deliveries coming. 
One this Month before thanksgiving tenatively November 16.  Lamb and Pork.  And another in December.  

Want more?  Check out part two of the Sprig of Thyme blog post from their visit to our farm earlier this summer!  

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